The Wegame Machinima Contest entries period is now over and results will be announced on friday. 120 entries !!!
Can you believe that ? I guess now having a machinima contest without a +3000$ first price will be impossible.
This week end came 3 splendid new movies, Martin Falch's Divided Soul, Fireboltproductions "Way of Life" and Pinkhair's "The Robber Baron of Warsong Gulch".
Pinkhair told me there was a reference to me in his movie, wich made me feel really honored even before I saw this :
Oh my god, I've been chewed to death ! hehe. Thanks a lot for this Pink ^^. And by the way, Pinkhair made a fantastic wallpaper from "Busted" I always wanted to blog here, I think it's time to ! :
Anyway, this is gonna be a tough competition. I think next time there should be categories because you cannot seriously compare a South Park episode with Return of the King, even if both were machinimas. My only chance would be that the jury smokes too much pot before choosing, and I don't think Oxhorn smokes anything green, God only knows ^^
But, hey ! a Wegame T shirt would be cool since this year was already a very generous one for the Gnome !
Talking about gifts, Baron sent me this screenshot of Awilo Long'Omba, Grand Master Cooking Trainer in Dalaran :
He also sent me this link to an amazing work in progress. Do you remember the GnoViBrator ?

Well, Kilh is making a real GnoViBrator, you absolutely got to see his sculpture blog
I'll be back here with the results of the Wegame contest !